Myofascial Massage  

This body work discipline is designed to improve the structural balance and alignment potential of all somatotypes, depending on age, level of activity, and medical or injury history.

It is a client-centered approach that utilizes a variety of clinical techniques, treatment protocols, and structural strategies and exercises that will improve neurosomatic awareness and performance abilities.

It is most effective when delivered in a series of sessions that focus on both full-body treatment as well as region-specific concerns.

All techniques should be delivered slowly, allowing the connective tissue to adjust to the applied pressure, increasing enough heat to create a thixotropic effect that will have long-lasting benefits.  A modest amount of lubricant (coca or shea butter) is used to increase heat potential at the dermal and fascial levels while decreasing any skin irritation.

Therapists utilize efficient body mechanics for all clinical applications, The Lunge Stance allows the therapist to increase pressure slowly through leverage rather than power.  Proper alignment of legs, pelvis, spine and arms are essential for consistent results.

Session length should run from 60-90 minutes with enough time each session for pre and post alignment evaluation, mid-session compressions, and exercise education.

Session Strategies

30 min session

The specific techniques, combined with or without the release technique, can be used for clients who need deeper treatment for the neck, shoulder back or hip.  These techniques have been successfully used in chiropractic, orthopedic and physical therapy settings.  Acute or chronic soft tissue injuries respond to the deep and slow moving strokes of these techniques.  when time allows, End work can be added to stimulate the parasympathetic response.

60 minute session

The combination of myofascial spreading, arthrokinetics and end work can be used for a lighter, and more general, massage session.  this format is optimal for the client who wants an introduction to structural integration without deep or intense work.  this is an excellent session for athletes who are in a heavy training cycle, or for post-event stabilization.

Clients wanting basic structural maintenance will also benefit from the combination of these three techniques.

90 minute session

This session format represents the ultimate myofascial session.  Utilizing all of the myofascial techniques, the session progresses from superficial, to moderate, to deep pressure on all areas of the body.  the client will experience the greatest structural change during this session, so body-reading techniques (pre, mid, and post) are essential.  Leave enough time at the end of the session for the client to fully recover from deep work.  Recommended immediate hydration for the client after this session.

Myofascial Spreading - Considered the primary technique for myofascial improvement, all parts of the body can benefit from masterful use of this technique.  Using Langers Lines as a road map, Myofascial Spreading helps to create a lighter, roomier and freer feel to superficial tissues and major joints.  Specific angles of entry for each plane of the body is critical for overall improvement of the bodys alignment.

Arthrokinetics (joint manipulation) - Can be applied to the major joints of the arms and legs.  Unlike traction techniques, A.K. is applied by creating equilateral force toward the center of the joint.  Skeletal ligaments benefit with improved tone and elasticity.

Core Release - Specific stretching of the sacrotuberous ligament is accomplished while applying cross-fiber techniques for all paraspinal musculature.  Pelvic structural position is improved and overall integration of spinal segments is benefited.

End Work - A series of techniques for the abdomen, lumbars, shoulders, neck, and face that repositions and relaxes each of these areas.  the parasympathetic system is stimulated, resulting in an elevated mood and improved focus.

Therapists that do this service are:






