TMJ Massage
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders are usually the result of inflamed and painful chewing muscles around your jaw. For some, it comes and goes and is triggered by doing something like chewing a piece of gum all day or even eating almonds or other hard food items. TMJ can be chronic and very painful and could be from a result of grinding or clenching your jaw regularly. A TMJ massage can help relieve your pain, but it is recommended to get your jaw assessed by a Dentist to see what is causing the pain in the first place. They can see if your jaw is not aligned properly or if you need a night guard to keep it stable while you sleep.
A TMJ Massage can also help with releasing the muscles after having any dental surgery or procedure. With your muscles being stretched or in a position for a long period of time, it can create tension in these muscles that can be very painful.
Do you have TMJ?
Clicking and popping of the jaw when you open your mouth
Pain in the TMJ area when opening and closing the mouth
Pain when yawning or chewing, Headaches or earaches
Pain in the jaw upon waking up
Jaws that get stuck or locked
As your massage therapist to assess and see if you may need to book in for a TMJ Massage next visit.
Therapists that provide this service are: