Mindful Meditation Massage

No matter how wonderful the massage, you may still be preoccupied with the stresses of life. Unable to fully let go, you may leave the massage appointment with lingering tension. Mindfulness is a tool that allows your mind and body to work together on the path of wellness. The Mindful Meditation Massage approach provides you the opportunity to enter a deep state of relaxation, enhancing the massage experience. A treat for the senses, and a delight for the soul. Mindful Meditation Massage requires that the therapist and the client participate fully for maximum results. You will be taken through a series of simple instructions accompanied with light music. Each Mindful Meditation session features specific background music, created specifically for the massage. Each audio is performed by an Alberta based musician (Margaret Dahlberg). Combining Yoga Nidra meditation in a full body massage; the benefits are equal to 4-5 hours of sleep. Relax in a 60-minute treatment while engaging in a Grounding or Enlightening Meditation. No prior meditation experience required!

60-minute Grounding Mindful Meditation Massage This massage is done with the intention of taking you out of your thinking process and to reconnect you with the outer world.

60-minute Enlightening Mindful Meditation Massage This massage is done with the intention of taking you out of your Daily life issues and takes you to a place of enlightenment and you feel more connected to the human experience.

Mindful Massage allows you to turn off your brain in a way you may never have experienced before. Some of the benefits that you will notice during this experience are:

• Reduced Stress, Tension and Anxiety.

• Connecting more deeply to their own body.

• Learning new internal coping skills.

• Balancing and relaxation of both the mind and the body.

• A New awareness that our mental health contributes to our physical health.

• Release of physical, emotional and mental tensions.

• Release of subconscious habitual patterns & reprogramming new positive patters in their place.

Therapists that do this service are:
